White Sage Smudge Stick

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White Sage Smudge Stick


Need to banish some ‘not so good’ vibes or attract ones that are more positive. Native Americans have used many herbs like sage for centuries in their 'Smudging' ceremonies. You can also use for cleansing a house or dwelling and are often used in this way in Feng Shui. Did you know that recent research has proven that burning sage removes a 95% of bacteria in the air!

Californian white sage (Salvia Alpine), a scrub plant with spiky flowers. The sage grows in abundance on the sunny coastline of Southern California.

Pack Size: 1 Smudge Stick

How to use:

Light your smudge stick over your flameproof bowl until a small flame has caught. While holding your smudge stick over the bowl lightly blow on the flame until it goes out. The stick will then smoke gently like incense.

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